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Francisco Varela's Home Page |
Current publications on the philosophy/cognitive
science interface |
Cover | Human consciousness Articles |
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For more information: |
Varela, F. (1996), Neurophenomenology: A Methodological remedy to the
hard problem, J.Consc.Studies 3:330-350.
• also in: J.Shear (Ed.), Explaining Consciousness: The
Hard Problem of Consciousness, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1997, pp.
• also in: Pluriverso (Milan), 3:16-40 (1997) (italian)
Varela, F. (1996), The early days of autopoiesis: Heinz and Chile, Systems Research 13:407-417.
Luisi,L. Lazcano,A. and Varela,F. (1996), Autopiesis: the very idea, in: Defining Life: The central problem in theoretical biology, M.Rizzotti (Ed.), Universit· de Padova, Padova, pp.146-167.
Varela, F.J. (1997), The Body's Self, in: D.Goleman (Ed.), Health and Emotions, Shambhala, Boston, pp. 49-67 ss
Varela, F. (1997), Patterns of Life: Intertwining identity and cognition, Brain Cognition 34:72-87
Varela, F. (1997), Qu’est-ce que la vie artificielle?, Pour la Science, No.240, Octobre, pp.10-12.
Varela, F. (1997), A science of consciousness as if experience mattered, In: S.Hameroff, A.Kazniak, and A.Scott (Eds.), Towards the Science of Consciousness: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates, MIT Press, pp. 31-44.
Varela, F. (1997), The Naturalization of Phenomenology as the Transcendence of Nature: Searching for generative mutual constraints, Alter : Revue de PhÈnomÈnologie N†5 pp.355-385(Paris)
Varela, F. (1997), Metaphor to mechanism: Natural to disciplined, J.Consc.Studies4:344-346.
Varela, F. (1998), The neurodynamics of retention, In: J.L.Petit (Ed.), Les Neurosciences et la Philosophie de l'Action, J.Vrin, Paris, pp.231-243.
Varela, F, (1999), First-person methodologies: why, when and how., J.Consc.Studies 6(2-3):1-14.
Varela, F.J. (1999), Present-time consciousness, J.Consc.Studies6(2-3):111-140.
• revised version in: Envisioning Knowledge,
B.Wiens (Ed.), Dumont, Cologne, 2000.
• french
translation: Theorie, LittÈrature, Enseignement, No.17, pp.7-21, 1999.
• italian: Argonauti de la Noosphera, Centro
Piu Manzu, pp.66-74, 2000.
Roy, J.M., J.Petitot, B.Pachoud and , F.J. Varela, (1999), Beyond the
gap. An introduction to naturalizing phenomenology,
in: J.Petitot, F.J.
Varela, B.Pachoud and J.M.Roy (Eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology,
Stanford University Press, pp.1-83.
Varela, F. (1999), The specious present: The neurophenomenology of time consciousness, in: J.Petitot, F.J. Varela, B.Pachoud and J.M.Roy (Eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology, Stanford University Press.
Varela, F. (1999), A dimly perceived horizon: The complex meeting ground between lived and physical time, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sciences 879:143-154.
Varela, F. (1999), Dasein's Brain: Phenomenology meets Cognitive Science, in: D.Aerts (Ed.), Einstein Meets Magritte: The White Book, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 185-197.
Varela, F. (1999), "Cognition et Sciences cognitives" in: D.Lecourt (Ed.), Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences,
Universitaires de France, pp.185-191.
Varela, F., (2000), Why the proper study of mind implies the transcendence of nature, in J.Andresen (Ed.), Religion in Mind: Cognitive Science and Religious Experience, Cambridge Univ. Press
Depraz, N., F.Varela and P.Vermersch (2000)
The gesture of
awareness: An acount of its structural dynamics, in: M.Velmans (Ed.), Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness, Benjamin Publishers, Amsterdam
• also in: R.K¸hn und
Michael Staudigl (Hg.), EpochÈ und Reduktion, Karl Alber Verlag
• also in: Etudes
Varela, F. (2000), La rÈduction phÈnomÈnologique a l'Èpreuve de
l'expÈrience: RÈponse a F.-D.
Sebbah, dans: M.J.
Durand-Richard (Ed.), Des lois de la pensÈe au constructivisme,
EHSS, Paris
Varela, F. (2000), Upwards and downwards causation in the brain: Case studies on the emergence and efficacy of consciousness, In: K.Yasue and M.Jibu (eds.), Towards a Science of Consciousness Tokyo '99, Benjamin Publishers, Amsterdam, 2000.
Varela, F. and N.Depraz, At the source of time: Valance and the constitutional dynamics of affect, in : Ipseity and Alterity, Arob@se: An electronic journal, http://www.liane.net/arobase
Cohen, A. and F. Varela, Facing up to the embarrasement: psychoanalysis and cognitive neuroscience, Actes Etats GÈneraux de la Psychoanalyse, Paris July 2000, http://members.aol.com/call97
• French: Dormir, RÍver, Mourir, NIL Editions, Paris,
• German: Traum, Schlaf und Tod, Diederichs, M¸nchen, 1999
• Spanish: Dormir, SoÒar, Morir, Dolmen Ediciones, Santiago de Chile,
• Italian: Il sonno, il sogno, la morte, Neri Pozzi Editori, Vincenza,
• Dutch: Slapen, dromen en sterven, Maitreya Uitgeverit, Enst,
J.Petitot , F.Varela, B.Pachoud and
J.M.Roy (Eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Contemporary Issues in
and Cognitive Science, Stanford University Press, 1999.
F. Varela and J.Shear (Eds.), The View from Within: First-Person Methodologies, Imprint Academic, London, 1999
F. Varela, Ethical Know-How, Stanford
University Press, 1999
E.Thompson and F.Varela, Why the Mind is not in the Head, Harvard University Press
N.Depraz, F.Varela and P.Vermersch, On Becoming Aware: Steps to a Phenomenological Pragmatics, Benjamins, Amsterdam
Francisco J. VARELA LENA-Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie CÈrÈbrale CNRS UPR 640 HÙpital de la SalpÍtriËre 47, Blvd de l'HÙpital 75651 Paris Cedex tel.(331). fax.(331). |
E-mail :
fv@ccr.jussieu.fr |
![]() Last modified : 03 July,
2000 |