Francisco Varela's Home Page
Articles on Neurophenomenology and First person Methods
Cover Human consciousness  Publications

‘Neurophenomenology : A Methodological Remedy for the Hard Problem’
Journal of Consciousness Studies, "Special Issues on the Hard Problems", J.Shear (Ed.) June 1996.
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‘The Specious Present: A Neurophenomenology of Time Consciousness’
To appear in:J.Petitot, F.J.Varela, J.-M. Roy, B.Pachoud and (Eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, Stanford University Press, Stanford (1997, in press).
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The Gesture of Awareness - An account of its structural dynamics
N. Depraz, F. J. Varela & P. Vermersch
PDF Version
First-person Methodologies: What, Why, How?
Francisco J. Varela and Jonathan Shear
HTML Version

Francisco J. VARELA
LENA-Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie CÈrÈbrale
HÙpital de la SalpÍtriËre
47, Blvd de l'HÙpital
75651 Paris Cedex
tel.(331). fax.(331).
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Last modified : 03 July, 2000