Francisco Varela's Home Page
Neuronal Integration
Cover Human consciousness

Topics of Current Research
Neuronal synchrony during cognitive tasks in humans.
Non-linear analysis for global analysis of brain events.
Epilepsy and brain dynamics: clinical applications.

Methods Currently Used
Full-head (EEG/MEG) recordings, intracortical electrodes (local field and multiunit).
Superposition of electric/magnetic and fMRI measurements.
Data analysis: time-frequency, phase-locking, surrogate statistics, inverse problem.
Members of the Neurodynamics Group

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Current list of publications of the Neurodynamics Group

Description des travaux de l'Èquipe de neurodynamique du laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie CÈrÈbrale
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Francisco J. VARELA
LENA-Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie CÈrÈbrale
HÙpital de la SalpÍtriËre
47, Blvd de l'HÙpital
75651 Paris Cedex
tel.(331). fax.(331).
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Last modified : 01 June, 2000